Олег Валерьевич Градов, мл. научный сотрудник, лаборатория нейронной структуры мозга ФГБУ НЦН РАМН, г. Москва, e-mail: o.v.gradov@gmail.com
1. Goldstein B.D. The biochemical toxicology of ozone. – American Petroleum Institute, 1977. 290 p. 2. Reagan P.L. Hazards of ozone to human health. – Clear Air-Clear Water Unlimited, 1981. 97 p. 3. McKee D. Tropospheric Ozone: Human Health and Agricultural Impacts. – CRC Press, 1993. 352 p. 4. Miller M. Fundamentals of Extrapolation Modeling of Inhaled Toxicants: Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide. – CRC Press, 1984. 303 p. 5. Adams W.C. Ozone toxicity effects consequent to prolonged, high intensity exercise in trained endurance athletes: Final report (Submitted in fulfillment of ARB contract AO-078-32; 31.08.1982). – University of California, Davis. Human Performance Laboratory, California. Air Resources Board, 1982. 53 p. 6. Hessen D.O. UV Radiation and Arctic Ecosystems. – Springer, 2002. 341 p. 7. Bocci V. Ozone: A New Medical Drug. – Springer, 2010. 322 p. 8. Ozone in Food Processing / Ed. by C. O’Donnell, B.K. Tiwari, P.J. Cullen, R.G. Rice. – Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 312 p. 9. Oxygen/Nitrogen Radicals: Cell Injury and Disease. Ed. by V. Vallyathan, V. Castranova, X. Shi. – Springer, 2002. 420 p. 10. Ozone in Water Treatment. Application and Engineering. Ed. by B. Langlais, D.A. Reckhow, D.R. Brank. – Lewis Publishers, 1991. 569 p. 11. Overton J.H., Miller F.J. Dosimetry modeling of inhaled toxic reactive gases. In: Air Pollution, the Automobile, and Public Health. – National Academic Press, 1988. РР. 367-386. 12. Estimating Mortality Risk Reduction and Economic Benefits from Controlling Ozone Air Pollution, Committee on Estimating Mortality Risk Reduction Benefits from Decreasing Tropospheric Ozone Exposure & Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology. National Research Council (U.S.). – National Academic Press, 2008. 220 p. 13. Ultraviolet Radiation: An Authoritative Scientific Review of Environmental and Health Effects of UV, with Reference to Global Ozone Layer Depletion. United Nations Environment Programme, World Health Organization, 1994. 352 p.